
Host a Big deal watch party

Why should I host a Big Deal watch party?

The #OurDemocracy campaign is part of a new movement for a political system that works for all of us; not just the wealthy and well-connected.

It’s really tough to find ways of reaching Australians who care about good democracy but have become cynical. The film release is a rare moment to reach people, inspire them about what’s possible, and help connect them with others who care – like you!

Big Deal is a call to action – it features stories of everyday Australians engaging in Our Democracy and making a difference. Making sure as many people as possible see the film is a great opportunity to get people talking about political integrity, a fair system, and the role strong, connected communities can play.

How to host a watch party

Bring people together


Big Deal is airing live on ABC TV in two parts: on Tuesday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 26 at 8.30pm. From the time the first part is aired, both parts will be available online on view.

Each part runs close to an hour-long, so you may want to schedule an evening later in the week so you can watch the whole thing at once.

If you prefer to watch along with the broadcast, make sure that everyone is available at both times.


  • If covid restrictions allow, you could have a small in-person gathering at your home, or organise a bigger group in a community space or office
  • If you’re in lockdown or more comfortable with remote events, everyone can watch the film in their own home and have a discussion online afterwards

Discuss the film and #OurDemocracy

After watching the film, spend some time connecting about what resonated with you, what made you mad, and what has you fired up for action! The team at ABC have put together this guide that includes some themed discussion questions, but you might also just like to ask your guests what stood out to them and how they’re feeling.

Take action!

The team at #OurDemocracy have ambitious goals to change the ground rules so that our system is fairer for everyone, leading to better politics, better decisions, better leadership, and better outcomes for all of us. To get started, we’re working to make political integrity an issue every politician has to confront in the upcoming federal election. 

With you, and regular people across the continent, we’re building a new movement for a fair democracy. After watching Big Deal, make sure you and your guests are signed up to the anti-lobby lobby at https://makeitabigdeal.org/join/ – we’ll be in touch soon with opportunities to join with thousands of others at key moments to take simple actions which make our voices heard.

If you and your guests are keen to take action straight away, you can also contact your MP using the handy tool on the Big Deal website. Just select which issue is most important to you, add some personal thoughts about why, and hit send!